Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Nathanael's Big Adventure!!!

Well my dear friends ,I did it !! yes I did I put my child on a green coach headed to Washington D.C. at a bright 1:06 this morning!!!! (and that is with much tears) and this Big Event has been in motion for months (actually since the 3rd week of school) so I KNEW what the end of the year would bring!! MANY TEARS ...... of sadness that he is moving on but the blessings of he is able to move on with his life and be happy!! and yes he was really happy to leave us behind and say see ya on Thursday so that is good but for me I had a hard time to see that bus carry my baby far far away without his mom.

So for about a week it has been pack, fill out tons of forms, and then you give all kinds of advice to hear... "I AM NOT A BABY and I KNOW MOM" but he does not know everything like he thinks he does (you know how a 14 year old can be). So this big day started yesterday bright and early 7:00a.m. and he went to school then he returned for a nap. At 5:30 we got things ready for the sports banquet where he received a trophy. We then got back home to put him not us (LOL) back to bed for a short nap again . At midnight we were out the door to catch our bus and that we did. At 1:06 he was gone and no where in sight!!!! My dear friends please remember these 46 children and adults in your prayers for a safe and wonderful trip of a lifetime!!!!! They are hoping to see the President as that is their first stop to the White House this morning!!! May God Bless them on their Big Adventure!!!!!! Have a blessed day!!!!!

With lots of love, KIM


Jennifer said...

Nathaniel is all grown up! I didn't need to say that did I. No more tears!
Thanks for calling and letting me know about your addition of pictures. I hopped right on here when we got off the phone =-)

The picture of you and Grace Katherine is great. Oh..and like I told you the other day...you look GREAT!!
I hope to see lots more pictures.

Unknown said...

How exciting.....I hope he has an amazing time.

~cassie~ said...

I understand how you feel...but he will be fine...I will definitely say a prayer for them this week....I am getting ready for a sobfest next week....5th grade graduation....Middle school? How can one mom handle it all? =) Love you and miss you....