Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Nathanael's Promotion Night

Yes, it is...... Promotion Night for our 8th graders and yes it is a very emotional one. I have been reading on my friend Cassie's site about her tears and a whole week on them. Cassie I am feeling your pain!!!! My first born is going to ....high school !!!! I have cryed for many days now as I think about the next four years. Where did the time go and does he have good memories and a good foundation to move on to the high school?? I have being thinking about his first everything and how he did this and what his favorite toy was....... you know that Mom stuff we think about!!!! I ask him to hug me now (his 160 pound self) and I get "Mom I am too big to hug you now!!!" and I just want to cry!!!

So please pray for him as we prepare for this in August that he will do well and have a great year. He is going to play football and join ROTC. So he will be very busy and just please pray for maturity to come his way!!

I have to tell you about what he said as we were getting ready to go and just talking about his future. He know he struggles and we have been praying for him and this move. So he said "Mom, I had a dream and it was a paper with words on it, so I was looking at the words and it said.. "Do not be afraid" . Then he said I think God is talking to me and I totally agree with that!!!!!!! I think God is talking to us all in some way but are we listening is the question!!!???? Thanks for sharing this moment with our family. We love you all and hope for a blessed day for you! KIM


~cassie~ said...

I can't believe that he is going to high school...where does the time go? I can feel your pain....Mine are just growing up way too fast....I miss you...and can't wait to do pictures at your reunion...going to be great fun!!!!! Love ya...miss you lots...we need to get together....soon.

Unknown said...

Kim...I can't believe how grown up Nathanael is. High It makes me cry and I am not even his mommy --- but I am a mommy and I get real emotional about stuff anyway. Love you girl....would love to see you sometime.